Saturday, August 17, 2013

Publishing Diaries

Now that I have shared my story, it's time for Publishing Diaries, a blog about seeking a publisher.

I am an engineer.  I do not have an English degree and cannot spell to save my soul.  I have written my story, finished the second full content revision, and am currently in the process of reading the entire 143,000 words backward.  That's right...backward.  Since engineers are known for our poor communication skills, a professor taught me a fantastic proof-reading skill.  By reading the document backward, you remove your brain's natural inclination to auto-correct common mistakes.  The technique forces your mind to re-evaluate the individual words and helps identify mistakes traditional reading techniques overlook.  Basically, it allows me to be my own editor, although I am still seeking outside review.

Once I have finished the final review phase, I will submit my very first query.  I have already picked out an agent I really like and am studiously tailoring my query letter and synopsis per her stated requirements.  I have checked out her blog and am following her Twitter page in the hopes of finding a "Call for Queries," not that she has ever done so before as far as I can tell.  But, it's a start.  The agent's name is Jennifer Jackson of Donald Maass Literary Agency.

Every couple of months, she posts her latest "Letters from the Query Wars."  At first, I was disheartened.  She receives and responds to over 100 queries a week and only asks for a manuscript from 1 or 2.  But then, she posts a "of the last 10 I reviewed in X week" including the statistics.  I was shocked at how few were actually applicable to her requirements.  In some cases, the author never included their own name or their co-author's name.  Sometimes, the queries were for genres she doesn't represent.  Some do not follow her requirements.  A flicker of hope was born.

Ms. Jackson receives hundreds of queries a week, but how many of them are actually valid?  How many meet the standards?  When I submit my query, how many other valid queries will be submitted?  While I would be shocked with anything other than a polite rejection, I will certainly do everything in my power to ensure I meet her requirements and do not waste her time.  Wish me luck!

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